3. Book of Hours (fragment), Use of Rome.

3. Book of Hours (fragment), Use of Rome.

Manuscript location  
RepositoryState Library of Victoria 
Shelf markRARES 096 R66 
Former shelf mark  
Manuscript name  

Book of Hours (fragment), Use of Rome.


Fol. 217r. Obsecro te

Fol. 217v. Sum facturus locuturus

(Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 15, Vol. II, p. 346).

Fol. 218r. O intemerata

Fol. 218v. Michi miserrimo peccatori

(Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 16, Vol. II, p. 336; Wilmart, pp. 474 – 50).

Fol. 219v. Deus qui in sancta cruce pendens pro salute nostra

(Leroquais Vol. I, p. 34).

Fol.220r. Dilectissimi iohannis evvangeliste

Fol. 220r. O intemerata

Fol. 220v. Michi miserrimo peccatori

(Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 16, Vol. II, p. 336’ Wilmart, pp. 474 – 504).

Fol. 221r. Deus qui in sancta cruce pendens pro salute nostra

(Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 34).

Fol. 221r. Dilectissimi iohannis evvangeliste

Fol. 221r. Salve regina misericordie vita dulcedo et spes

(Chevalier, no. 18150; Leroquais, Vol. I, pp. 47, 123).

Fol. 221v. Inviolata integra et casta es maria

(Chevalier, no. 9094; Walther, no. 9556).

Fol. 221v. Memor sit dominus omnis sacrificii tui

Fol. 221v. Auxiliatrix esto michi sancta trinitas

(Leroquais, Vol. I, pp. 111, 119).

Fol. 222r. Ave sacratissimum et pretiosum corpus Christi

Fol. 222v. In presentia corporis et sanguinis tui

(Wilmart, p. 378n; Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 47.

Fol. 223v. Domine ihesu christe fili dei vivi concede michi peccatori

Fol. 223v. Ave salus mundi verbum patris

(Chevalier, n o. 35720; Wilmart, p. 377n; Leroquais, Vol. I, p. 111).

Fol. 223v. Dulcis ave sanguis mala destrue

Fol. 224r. Memoriae of the Trinity (fol. 224r), Cross (fol. 224v), peace (fol. 225r), John the Baptist (fol. 225v), John the Evangelist (fol. 226r), Apostles (fol. 226v), James (fol. 227r), Denis (fol. 227r), Catherine (fol. 227v), Mary Magdalene (fol. 228v), Martha (fol. 228v), Lazarus (fol. 229r), Anne (fol. 229r), Apollonia (fol. 229v), Anthony (fol. 229v), Martin (fol. 230r), Christopher (fol. 230r), Leonard (fol. 230v), Nicholas (fol. 230v).

Fol. 231r. Hours of the Virgin. Matins (fols 231r–232v), contains hymn Quem terra pontus (fol. 231v), ps. ant. Benedicta tu (fol. 231v), three lessons In omnibus requiem (fol. 232r), Et sic in syon (fol. 232r), Quasi cedrus (fol. 232v); lauds (fols 232–234v), have capit. Viderunt eam (fol. 233r), hymn O gloriosa domina (fol. 233r), collect Deus qui de beate (fol. 233v); prime (fols 234v–235r), contains ps. ant Assumpta est (fol. 234v), capit. Que est ista (fol. 235r); terce (fols 235r–235v); sext (fols 235v–236r); none (fols 236v–237v), has ps. ant. Pulcra es (236r), capit. In plateis (fol 236v); vespers (fols 236v–237v); compline (fols 237v–238r).

Fol. 238r. Incipit officium adventus.

Fol. 241r. Pentitential psalms.

Fol. 245v. Litany.

Fol. 249v. Office of the Dead.

Fol. 254v. Memoriae of Maurus and Fiacre

The litany has no distinctive names. Fiacre is associated more particularly with the diocese of Meaux.

Physical description  
Extent38 folios, foliated 217–254.  
Collation319, 326, 339,3410, 354 

No catchwords.


No quire signatures or pagination.


Modern foliation.

LayoutText space: 111 x 72 mm. Ruled brown ink; twenty-four long lines. 
ScriptsSecond half of fourteenth century French gothic bookhand textualis in brown ink.  

Red rubrics; caps gold, red, and blue; initials with similar colouring; decorated marginal extensions with ivy-leaf sprays on nearly every folio.

Musical notation  
Accompanying material  
 OriginFrance, fourteenth century. 
 Bibliography list  
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 Other descriptions  
 Digital copieshttp://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/147694