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Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) Almagest, translated by Gerard of Cremona (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)
Statuta Angliae; Britton; Registrum Brevium; Summa Parva; Fet Asaver (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)
Peter Comestor OSA, Historia scholastica; Stephen Langton, Expositio litteralis in historiam scholasticam. (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)
Liber obsequialis, Use of Constance; Breviary (fragment). (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)
St Paul, Epistles, Vulgate Bible, with the Glossa ordinaria by Anselm of Laon (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)
Egidius Romanus, De regimine principum (Giles of Rome, Mirror of Princes) (Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts)