Versions Compared


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NameLocationData FormatsType of dataLicencingNotes
Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (note: this is old data and not updated since 2015). The current SDBM is

Public bulk data download available at:

Public bulk data download coming by end of summer - for now we can provide data dump on demand.


Full export in
CSV and Excel

Provenance events, taken from printed and online catalogues

(See paper by Lynn Ransom et al. here)

CC BY-SA 4.0

Project partner

Earlier Linked Data conversion (data model description, converter code, sample queries: where are the Philipps collection manuscripts from, how many hands did they pass through)

OPenn (metadata) + imagesDescriptions of manuscripts at UPenn + digital imagesCC-BY 4.0Project partner + hosted data
Seymour de Ricci Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta Digitized Archive PDF, but being digitizedDigital images of cards with information about UK collectors, places and institutions?Project partner
Medieval Libraries of Great Britain

CSV exportProvenance information for UK manuscripts(c) Bodleian LibrariesProject partner
Western medieval manuscripts - catalogues

New TEI-XML version is at: 

Raw files are here (in Collections folder)

Old HTML version is at:

TEI-XMLDescriptions of medieval manuscripts in the Bodleian Library?Project partner
Digital Bodleian - IIIF manifests - RIS + JPEGDescriptions of manuscripts in the Bodleian + digital images partner
Medium of manuscripts in France?Project partner
Bibale and current institutional owners of manuscripts in France?Project partner
Europeana - manuscript records

? Via Europeana API

RDF triples

Descriptions of manuscripts + digital imagesCC0 Public Domain (metadata)
E-Codices (Swiss manuscripts)http://e-codices.unifr.chDublin Core XML via OAIDescriptions of manuscripts + digital imagesNo copyright; free use
Digital Scriptorium (North American manuscripts) of manuscripts + digital imagesRequires consortium approvalLynn Ransom is a member of the Board of Directors (Icelandic manuscripts)http://www.handrit.isTEI - XMLDescriptions of manuscripts + digital images?

Email contact 3/4/2017

Þórunn Sigurðardóttir

Philobiblon (Iberian manuscripts)
Descriptions of manuscripts

"May be freely used for scholarly purposes"

Email contact 4/4/2017

Charles Faulhaber

Nuova Biblioteca Manoscritta of manuscripts & Digital Images"Texts and images may be reproduced exclusively for personal use and for educational and research purposes, provided that the source is quoted.
No commercial use allowed"

Manus Online of Manuscripts

Lucia Merolla,

Getty Provenance Index

Knoedler Stock Books at:

General information at:  

CSVProvenance records for art worksCC0
Technical contact: